How to Buff Scratches Out of Glass?

Buffing is a process that uses very fine abrasives to remove scratches from glass. In regards to glass windows, you can buff out minor nicks and dings without too much trouble. It’s when there are deep gouges or cracks where the problem arises.

Any glass window that gets hit hard enough to create a crack can never be completely repaired. You may be able to disguise the damage by buffing it out, but there’s no way you can make it look new again. If your windshield sustains any cracks, even small ones, you’ll need to replace it as soon as possible because driving without a windshield is hazardous.

Use Buffing Removal System

The Buffing Removal System machine has a rotating wheel that is covered in polishing compounds. This equipment is a bit pricey, but if you know someone who owns one, you can borrow it from them.


  • Apply the polishing compound to the polishing dish of the equipment.
  • Press the disk flat against the scratched glass.
  • Turn the tool on by holding on to the trigger
  • Run it with medium pressure in a circular motion
  • Maintain a smooth and milky consistency. Add water if needed.
  • Do this for a minute or two.
  • Wipe away substances with water and a clean rag.

This is what actually buffs out the scratches. You put wood blocks on either side into the machine, then mount the broken windshield onto it. The wheel spins while you hold down a trigger to make it run smoothly. It can take some time, but you just hold it down and work your way over the entire damaged area.

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Use a Buffing Compound

You can buy buffing compounds at an auto parts store or department of motor vehicles. It usually comes in a small metal box with some type of applicator attached to it, most likely a small brush.

Read the instructions and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure you read it beforehand. Different brands use different procedures.

Use a Sandpaper

If you are trying to buff out small scratches, you can also use sandpaper. Just wet the paper down before using it. This prevents the glass from shattering.


  • For severe scratches, you can use 3000 grit paper.
  • Cut it to a size that you feel comfortable with.
  • Wet the glass and the sandpaper with water
  • Start scrubbing the surface in a circular motion.
  • Check if the scratches are gone. If any minor scratches are left, you can apply #5000 to remove even the tiniest scratch.
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary until you reach the desired outcome.

Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)

This is very useful if you don’t want to spend too much money. It is an industrial solvent that can be used to remove scratches from glass. You should take care when using this, as it is highly flammable. Read and follow the instructions on the package.

Make sure you are always working in a well-ventilated area and away from open flames. If you’re using this to buff out deep gouges in the glass, you’ll have to buy a particular type of buffing compound.

Automotive Glass Scratch Remover

This is another excellent option if you don’t want to spend too much time manually buffing the glass. This is a liquid that can be applied with an applicator directly onto the damaged glass surface. It has abrasives in it that remove the scratches. After using this, just wipe over the surface with a clean cloth to remove any residue.


If you don’t have access to anything else that works, toothpaste is another option. Just use regular white paste, not any of the gel types. The toothpaste becomes abrasive. This is what actually buffs out the scratches in your windshield.


  • Clean the glass you want buff scratches from.
  • Remove the dirt and dust with water, then let it dry
  • Put an adequate amount of toothpaste using a rag
  • Apply it in a circular motion with enough pressure. Do this for not less than 30 seconds.
  • Wipe away the excess toothpaste using a clean rag
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary.

You may have to spend some time working on it, but your glass should look good as new after you are done.

Mineral Oil

This can be a bit of a long process, but it works very well. You need to first mix some oil with an equal amount of household ammonia.


  • Dip a soft cloth into the mixture and apply it directly onto the scratch.
  • After it sits there for 10 minutes, use your fingernail to try and pick out the scratch as best as you can.
  • Then, wipe the scratch with a clean cloth and rinse it off with water. Then you need to apply some non-gel-type toothpaste.
  • Rub this into the glass using another cloth
  • Wash it off after 10 minutes.
  • Apply the regular mineral oil that you buy at your local pharmacy or grocery store.
  • Wipe off the excess with a clean cloth.

Related Post: Why Does Some Tempered Glass Scratch?


Scratches on glass can be a major annoyance, but there are ways to buff them out. Here is the process you should follow on how to buff scratches out of glass with household items or cleaners that most people already have in their homes.

However, when you feel like the scratches are no longer repairable, it is time to replace them with a brand new one.

We, at One Day Glass, have been offering quality glass. We have all types of glass that would meet your need– for your vehicle or home.

Contact us today for a free quotation!

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